McKay McKinnon

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McKay McKinnon

McKay McKinnon (pronunciation: məˈkaɪ məˈkɪnən) is a renowned plastic surgeon known for his expertise in craniofacial surgery and pediatric plastic surgery.


The name McKay is of Scottish origin, meaning "son of fire". McKinnon is also of Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic Mac Fhionghuin, meaning "son of the fair born".


McKay McKinnon completed his medical education at the University of Michigan and further specialized in plastic surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. He is recognized for his work in complex reconstructive surgeries, particularly in children with congenital anomalies and individuals with tumors.

Related Terms

  • Plastic Surgery: A surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body.
  • Craniofacial Surgery: A surgical subspecialty that deals with congenital and acquired deformities of the skull, face, and jaws.
  • Pediatric Plastic Surgery: A subspecialty of plastic surgery that involves the correction of deformities in children.
  • Congenital Anomalies: Also known as birth defects, these are structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life and can be identified prenatally, at birth, or sometimes may only be detected later in infancy.
  • Tumor: An abnormal growth of cells that serves no purpose.

External links


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