Annexin Pharmaceuticals

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Annexin Pharmaceuticals

Annexin Pharmaceuticals (pronounced: an-neks-in fahr-muh-soo-ti-kuls) is a biopharmaceutical company that specializes in the development of innovative treatments for inflammatory diseases and conditions. The company's primary focus is on the therapeutic potential of the protein Annexin A5, a naturally occurring human protein that has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory properties.


The name "Annexin Pharmaceuticals" is derived from the company's primary area of research, the Annexin A5 protein. The term "Annexin" is derived from the Latin word "annexus", which means "to bind" or "to connect". This is a reference to the protein's ability to bind to certain types of cells and influence their behavior.

Related Terms

  • Biopharmaceutical: A type of medicinal drug that is produced using biotechnology. Biopharmaceuticals are often used in the treatment of diseases and conditions that cannot be effectively treated with traditional pharmaceuticals.
  • Inflammatory disease: A broad category of diseases and conditions that are characterized by inflammation, a biological response to harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants.
  • Protein: A complex molecule made up of amino acids that is essential for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs.
  • Annexin A5: A protein that is part of the Annexin family of proteins. Annexin A5 has been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory properties and is the primary focus of Annexin Pharmaceuticals' research and development efforts.

See Also

External links


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