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Bonded (pronounced: /ˈbɒndɪd/) is a term often used in the medical field to describe a process or state where two or more elements are joined together. The term originates from the English word "bond", which means to join or fasten together.


The term "bonded" is derived from the Middle English word "bond", which means "a thing that binds". It was first used in the medical context in the 19th century to describe the process of joining two or more elements together.

Related Terms

  • Adhesive bonding: A process where an adhesive is used to join two surfaces together.
  • Covalent bonding: A type of chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.
  • Hydrogen bonding: A type of chemical bond that involves a hydrogen atom located between a pair of other atoms with high affinity for electrons.
  • Ionic bonding: A type of chemical bond that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.
  • Metallic bonding: A type of chemical bond that involves the sharing of free electrons among a lattice of positively charged ions.

Usage in Medical Field

In the medical field, the term "bonded" is often used to describe the process of joining two or more elements together. This can be in the context of surgical procedures, where different materials may be bonded together to repair or replace damaged tissue. It can also refer to the bonding of medical devices to the body, such as in the case of dental implants or prosthetic limbs.

External links


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