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Henan (pronounced: /heɪˈnæn/; etymology: "South of the River") is a province located in the central part of the People's Republic of China. It is often referred to as Zhongyuan or Zhongzhou, which translates to "central plains" or "midland" respectively.


Henan is surrounded by the Yellow River to the north, the Huai River to the south, and the Taihang Mountains to the west. The eastern part of the province is a plain, while the west is mountainous. Henan is home to a diverse range of wildlife and vegetation.


Henan, known for its historical importance, has been a major part of China's cultural fabric for over 3,000 years. It was here that the ancient Shang Dynasty was based, and it is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization.


The healthcare system in Henan has seen significant improvements over the years. The province has numerous hospitals and clinics, including the Henan Provincial People's Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University. These institutions provide a wide range of medical services, from routine check-ups to specialized treatments.


Henan's economy is one of the largest in China, with industries ranging from agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The province is China's largest producer of wheat and sesame.


Henan is rich in cultural heritage and is known for its unique arts, such as Yuju Opera, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Songshan Mountain calligraphy.

See Also


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