Nicolas Rea, 3rd Baron Rea

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Nicolas Rea, 3rd Baron Rea

Nicolas Rea, 3rd Baron Rea (pronounced: /ˈniːkələs riː, ˈθɜːrd bɑːrən riːə/) is a British peer and former doctor. He is the son of Philip Russell Rea, 2nd Baron Rea, and succeeded to the title upon his father's death in 1989.


The title "Baron Rea" was created in 1937 for the Liberal politician Walter Russell Rea, the grandfather of Nicolas Rea. The surname "Rea" is of Scottish origin, derived from a geographical locality 'at the ree' i.e., the boundary or limit.


Nicolas Rea was born on 27 October 1928. He was educated at Leighton Park School and King's College, Cambridge, where he studied Medicine. He worked as a doctor in the National Health Service (NHS) for many years before succeeding to his father's title.

Titles and Honours

Nicolas Rea holds the title of 3rd Baron Rea, a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. He is also a member of the House of Lords, the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Related Terms

  • Baron: A title of honour, often hereditary, in various European countries, either current or historical.
  • Peerage: A legal system comprising both hereditary and lifetime titles in various countries, composed of various noble ranks.
  • House of Lords: The upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

External links


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