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TennCare (pronounced /ˈtɛnkeər/) is the state of Tennessee's Medicaid program which provides healthcare services to eligible residents.


The term "TennCare" is a portmanteau of "Tennessee" and "care", indicating the program's aim to provide healthcare services to the residents of Tennessee.


TennCare was established in 1994 as a waiver program to the traditional Medicaid program. It was designed to expand access to healthcare for those who were uninsured or underinsured. The program was one of the first of its kind in the United States and has served as a model for other states' healthcare programs.


Eligibility for TennCare is determined by a variety of factors, including income, age, and health status. Some groups that are typically eligible for TennCare include low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and individuals with disabilities.


TennCare provides a wide range of healthcare services, including primary care, hospital care, prescription drugs, mental health services, and long-term care. The program also covers some preventive care services, such as immunizations and screenings.

Related Terms

  • Medicaid: A federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources.
  • Medicare: A federal program that provides health coverage if you are 65 or older or have a severe disability, no matter your income.
  • Managed care: A way of arranging and paying for healthcare in a way that coordinates care to improve quality, access, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): A type of health insurance plan that usually limits coverage to care from doctors who work for or contract with the HMO.

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