Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

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Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (pronunciation: John's Hop-kins School of Medicine) is a globally recognized medical school located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It was established in 1893 and is named after its benefactor, Johns Hopkins, a 19th-century American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and abolitionist.


The name "Johns Hopkins" is not a typographical error, but the correct name of the school's benefactor. Johns Hopkins was named after his great-grandmother's husband, Johns Hopkins. The use of "Johns" instead of "John" is a unique feature of the Hopkins family lineage.


The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has been at the forefront of medical education, research, and patient care since its inception. It was the first medical school to admit women on an equal basis with men and to require a Bachelor's degree for admission.


The curriculum at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine includes a comprehensive study of the human body, disease processes, and the latest medical treatments. It also emphasizes the importance of medical ethics, patient care, and medical research.

Notable Alumni

Many notable physicians and scientists have graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, including Nobel laureates, pioneers in medical research, and leaders in public health.

Related Terms

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